
I started taking pictures in the late 60's using the family Kodak Instamatic camera, graduating in the early 70s' to 35mm colour slide film with a Zenith E. Today I work exclusively in black & white analogue film photography using both 35mm and 6x6 medium film formats, using a variety of cameras including pinhole and Holga. My aim has always been to try and make an interpretive image, not just recording what is in front of my camera lens. I take the same approach into the darkroom, where I try to create images that are suggestive rather than descriptive.
Since the early 1980s’ my work has regularly been accepted in national and international salons, and in 2000 I was awarded a Fellowship of the Royal Photographic Society (FRPS) in the visual arts section.
I regularly give print talks to camera clubs and photographic societies in Wales and further afield into South West England.
For further information and availability please contact me via the website or by email.
David Lingham FRPS